November 29, 2013


No note
No nothing
Not even a cordial text
We had had problems
I know
I was trying to understand her
Feed her
But always missing
Because I was afraid
Afraid to follow her
Wherever she went,
So whimsical she was
I didn’t trust her
Thought she was naïve
Let’s go to Montana
Who cares?
Society is violent
Just leave it
Freedom is
Free will without apology
It sounds good to be secure
Secure in what
Get on a horse, a bike, anything
To get those windy locks
You detest the four walls
You refuse to leave
What’s to lose
If nothing is permanent
You can’t
Fuck up your life
From where I sit
It’s already fucked up
Lethargic half-assed nods
Towards ever distant dreams
Tentative, cautious, gentle love
The one you were
So happy to get
That leaves you empty
More wistful than alive
To a precipice of abandon
Follow me out of here
Follow me away into youthful mistakes
Into trust
Into the lives of strangers
And dirt, dead ends, and poverty
You cannot serve people
If you’ve forgotten
Bitterness will pickle you
It’s already begun
Because you’ve purchased
Handcuffs you say you don’t have the keys to
I see them in your hand
I’ve got a set too
But you cry
Preferring to feel hopeless
Easier than honesty
Let’s go to the country
You’ve always wanted to
I will take you there
I will stay with you
But I am feeling wonderlust
And cannot watch you languish
Honor the road
Or here we part
It doesn’t have to be good bye